Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dear Busy Mom

Years ago I worked in a restaurant and created a silly advice column for the break room. I thought I did a fantastic job and would like to try my hand at it again. So, in honor of my inaugural advice blog column, I have recreated a question that I read not too long ago.

Dear Busy Mom,
I recently moved into a new apartment building and have met some of my neighbors. The man who lives next door is constantly shouting hello to me from down the hall and is always inviting me to his apartment for dinner parties that he and his wife host. How do I get this man to leave me alone and to understand that I do not appreciate his invitations?
- Just want to be left alone

Wow, this is a pretty serious problem. I can relate, sort of. A few years ago I has some ticks in my home that I could not get rid of. That must be how you feel. I can not stand it when neighbors act so, uh, what is the word....... oh yeah, neighbourly. Ugh!! What's next, are they going to offer to take you to the hospital if you have an appendix attack, or if you fall down the stairs? How thoughtless of these people to actually invite the new neighbor over for a dinner party! I am so shocked by their behaviour that I am having a difficult time coming up with advice. Okay, here is my advice. Clearly you can not do anything about their friendliness, so I suggest you move to Saudi Arabia. You can don a burka, and NEVER have to worry about a male neighbor speaking to you. Or you could move to the Alaskan bush, where you could walk for days without even SEEING another person, never mind having to suffer the humiliation of saying hello. Or you could just act like a grown up and tell him that his invitations are wonderful, but you are a considerable introvert and would not likely ever attend.
-Busy Mom

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