Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Utube- where were you when I needed you?

When I was about 14 I attended the fair with my next door neighbor. I do not even remember her name. I really remember very little from that time in my life, my parents were separating and it was exceptionally painful. This however must have been an outstanding event in my life.

We were going on that ride that you sit in and it looks like a roller coaster, except that the cars just go around and around, forward, then backward, then forward again. The music is outragously loud and only the front of the ride is visible, when you are at the back you are behind a large wooden facade. It has a different name every where you go.

Well this girl and I were going on it and I was in front. We were looking for an empty car to sit in. She was talking and all of a sudden she stopped talking. It must have been in mid-sentence because I turned to see her and she wasn't there. She had completely disappeared. There was no where for her to go so I stood there, I am sure, looking stupid. Suddenly I heard, very quietly, "Dianaaaaaaa". She was actually screaming but because of the outragously loud music it seemed quiet. I could hear my name but I couldn't tell at first where it was coming from, then I saw this tiny hole in the floor and realized that she had fallen through this hole and now was standing under the ride calling me. I don't remember anything else. I am sure they got her out. "They" being the people who also put the machine together I am sure and left the hole there to begin with. Ever wonder if they drug test these people?

Well, a model just recently had the same experience as my neighbor.

Hmmmmmm! Would we have attracted international fame if Utube had been around then? Oh well, my fifteen minutes of fame came and went and no one even noticed.

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