Monday, November 19, 2007

Gobble Gobble

I am hosting Thanksgiving again. I love it, it is my most favorite holiday. I love the colors, the foods, the smells, and the company. I will make a turkey, of course, and my grandmother's turkey stuffing. There will be all of the usuals like cranberry sauce, potatoes, and rolls. But I always like to add a little something new and I don't hesitate to cut out anything unpopular. I stopped the sweet potatoes a long time ago because no one ate it. My brother in law was upset at my decision so I suggested that he bring them. So he did, a great big casserole of sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. Everyone took their obligatory scoop and he returned to his home with 3/4 of his sweet potato casserole in tact. He never requested it again. I got a couple of recipes from Martha Stewart's website that I might try. I'll let you know how they went, that is if I try them.

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