Wednesday, May 16, 2007

5/17/07 A Collective Sigh of Relief for the End of the Year

I am sure that I am not the only parent who loves having their children home for the summer. I LOVE MY KIDS!! I am jealous of the time that my children spend with their teachers. Only once have I looked forward to them being in school and that was after the baby had been sick for six days, which took place less than a week after another had been sick for six days, and a third had missed a day of school before her eighth grade trip to D.C. The second youngest told me that he had a headache and asked if he could stay home and I said, "No! I need you to go to school today." Those six days that the baby was sick I spent doing almost nothing while she laid on my chest with a 103 fever. I really enjoyed that first day with everyone healthy and doing what they were supposed to be doing.

So, with summer starting less than a week away I am wondering what fun things we might do. The two boys will be playing some baseball, and my oldest will be working. I think I might try to get my youngest boy (7) into a really neat science camp at a local hands on science museum. It is a little pricey, but there would only be one doing it. He would have a blast. He also MUST learn to ride his bicycle. He just hasn't wanted to and I have not been able to convince him that it is worth it. This will be my goal this summer.

Oh yeah, we are going to Arizona for a week in June. That should be fun.

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