Wednesday, May 16, 2007

5/18/07 My IPOD

My IPOD is so cool. I bought it used at I don't listen to too much music, but I thoroughly enjoy listening to books. When ever we get a book on CD I immediately download it to my IPOD. I have this cassette tape thing that plugs into the IPOD and then I can pop it into my cassette player in my truck and listen to it.

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "Why don't you just listen to the cd in your truck, you idiot". But, you are forgetting my crazy lifestyle. See, I lose my CDs in my truck. Or little people take them out to put in their own and they get scratched. I can hear you again. Now you are thinking, "Don't let them take your CDs out." Well, it is true, I could do that, but in the mean time I am losing precious CDs while I wait for my children to learn this. I would rather just put them on my IPOD.

What cool things have you done with your MP3 player?

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